Leather Drill Bit Roll


Previously I’ve had all my drill bits in a paper mug. While it kind of works, I always had look for the correct one, then measure it to be sure or squint my eyes to read the size. It’s also impossible to carry around.

Things had to change so I designed myself a leather roll to hold all the bits. As you may, or may not see everything did not go as planned(yet again), but as Adam Savage says; ‘Follow the process, not the plan’.

I need pockets for 2mm to 13mm machine bits, for anything smaller I use a palm drill and for anything bigger I use Forstners or hole saws. As I carry only the selected sizes to drill metal I’m including them in the roll too. I ended up dividing the smallest size pockets into two to prevent bits falling of as they get pretty tiny.

Auger bits are obsolete at this point of time so I don’t need pockets for them.

Laying it out.
Adding edge reinforcements.
Stitching the overlap.

To help with the rolling and to keep the outermost drill bits in I added heavier duty leather to the sides. The overlapping top fold is done for the very same reason.

Scrap piece is then made into a strap and attached to the outermost edge so you can close the roll.

All the seams are first glued with contact cement and then sewn with waxed polyester cord.

Rolled up.


This post ended up being more like a slideshow, but I’m not familiar enough with leather working terminology to explain any of it. I’ve never done anything out of leather on this scale, previously I’ve only done knife sheaths and such.

Learned a lot making it since I designed it myself from the get-go.

Finished tool roll.
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